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The Philadelphia STEM Equity Collective Selection Committee

Based on the Collective’s goal of “increasing the number of Blacks, Latinx and women Philadelphia students going into STEM careers by 2030” we understood that the selection committee should reflect that diversity. We strived to have a representation from different sectors, ethnicities, gender and experience; as well as consider their participation in the collective.

A “Working Group and Selection Committee Survey” was sent to all the Collective members on  November 2020 which included the description and explanation of what each role involved. Of the 230+ members at the time, 85 responded to the survey. Of those, 28 were interested in being part of the Selection Committee; and from these volunteers, the backbone representatives for the selection committee, Becki Lynch from GSK and Betsy Payne from Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem, assembled the team.

The team represents one each from the School District of Philadelphia, Higher education, K-12
Teacher, a Non-profit entity and a Business, along with the representatives of GSK and the Ecosystem. 


How was the Selection Committee chosen?

The Selection Committee members were:

  • Arthur Mitchell, Executive Director, STEM Equity Alliance

  • Caitlin Hearn, Science Curriculum Specialist, School District of Philadelphia

  • Paula Miller, Teacher, Physics and Robotics 10th-12th, Abraham Lincoln High School

  • Seema Freer, Associate Professor, Managing Director, Professional Science Master's Programs Temple University

  • Tarence Smith, Program Coordinator, iPraxis

  • Becki Lynch, Director, US Community Partnerships, GSK

  • Betsy Payne, Manager, Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem

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